Have you ever wondered how you can remain ethical while you plot to beat the heck out of the competition? Here is where you find out.

Welcome to the Christian Executive Website.
The Christian Executive is a senior management text providing conventional management solutions supported by specific religious documentation to demonstrate the compatibility of Christianity and other religions with economic success and illustrate that business ethics is a function of a higher authority than legal expediency.

This website contains excerpts from
The Christian Executive.

The Christian Executive © 1998 Ronald Rainson

History Repeating Itself

Given that the bible must be accurate in view of the fact that it criticizes the authors and, observing that history repeats itself, there are many lessons to be learned from it for our current religious and political activities. My newest favorite is Daniel 4:17 wherein it tells us that the greatest king of the time, Nebuchadnezzar, was removed from the thrown to demonstrate that God decides who will rule and to really make that clear Daniel 4:17 says: "...That the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, Gives it to whomever He will, And sets over it the lowest of men.'' Then, years after this vivid demonstration, he restores him to power. I'm guessing our President Elect understands this now and, if so, America will indeed be great again.